Monday, May 9, 2011
Diego Chilo
Diego definitely has a different way of doing things. His works are generally very abstract in that they all don't really seem to be rep...
William Strange
William is truly strange in the art world in that he doesn't use the typical mediums that other artists use. He is a carpenter and you ...
Joan Robey
Joan Robey is another one of those artists who I would classify as abstract, even though she often uses real objects in her sculptures. Ofte...
Chris Mason
Chris Mason likes playing with the human figure. Not only that, but he also like to play with the conventional poses that wee see too often ...
William Leslie
William Leslie’s work reminds me a lot of the first project we did as a class. His work include mostly skeleton and skin-based projects that...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Junior Fritz Jaquet
This is another one of those artists who you know has spent hours upon hours perfecting his technique. Junior is a paper sculptor. He uses p...
Vik Muniz
Vik is one of those artists who tries and experiments with a lot of different types of art. The one I find most out of the ordinary is the p...
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